May 28, 2009

Sony LCD projection TV failed after 3 and half years

After 3 and half years of usage, my Sony 55" LCD projection TV started to show some yellow smudges and blue hues/stars on the screen in late 2008. Busy with life and not knowing Sony offered extended warranty until the end of 2008, I finally researched the issue this April. Turned out it's too late for warranty repair. To repair the light engine cost about $300 therefore I decided not to pursue further with Sony to save my time and energy on more important matters.

During my research process I set my eyes on the Mitsubishi 73" DLP projection TV, model # WD-73737, which just rolled out this month. Amazing price for under $1900!

As an early adapter for LCD projection technology, there is risk that glitches may happen along the way of my ownership. Sony failed not only the component but the incompetency to issue a recall, instead bet with the customers with the so-called extended warranty. From now on I have to write Sony off my list.

Feb 1, 2009

Do not buy from BestBuy if you are a DIY person

I brought my desktop to BestBuy and their young geek squad was telling me: "You are not a qualified technician to add components on your desktop, so we cannot serve your computer. This has been industry practice for more than 30 years."

LAUGH OUT LOUD! 30 years! The geek squad hardly even started his twenties, and acted as a veteran in industry?! I've been DIYed PC for probably more than this guy's age and never once did I hear such a bragging comment regarding warranty service.

So why are DELL, HP, and the others selling components for customer upgrade? Why isn't there any warranty sticker preventing me from opening the case, but the power supply and hard drive?

It turned out to be a faulty factory-installed hard drive, and I decided not to send it in to manufacturer for data security reason.

BestBuy should really fire this kind of employees to save their customer relation.

And for sure, BestBuy will never get my business again. Big or small.