May 28, 2009

Sony LCD projection TV failed after 3 and half years

After 3 and half years of usage, my Sony 55" LCD projection TV started to show some yellow smudges and blue hues/stars on the screen in late 2008. Busy with life and not knowing Sony offered extended warranty until the end of 2008, I finally researched the issue this April. Turned out it's too late for warranty repair. To repair the light engine cost about $300 therefore I decided not to pursue further with Sony to save my time and energy on more important matters.

During my research process I set my eyes on the Mitsubishi 73" DLP projection TV, model # WD-73737, which just rolled out this month. Amazing price for under $1900!

As an early adapter for LCD projection technology, there is risk that glitches may happen along the way of my ownership. Sony failed not only the component but the incompetency to issue a recall, instead bet with the customers with the so-called extended warranty. From now on I have to write Sony off my list.